The S.M. Group International Inc., a leader in eco-engineering related to mine site reclamation

Guided by the principles of sustainable development, The S.M. Group International Inc. has carried out several mine reclamation plans and mine site characterization work in order to identify real and perceived impacts on the environment. The reclamation approach not only received the required environmental authorizations, it was also recognized for its integration into the neighbouring communities.

“Whether it is obligations arising from the exploration or mining operations, we can characterize the environment, prepare or review  a reclamation plan to be submitted to the relevant authorities, prepare the plans and specifications and monitor the work done in order to ensure their compliance”

Guy Fouquet, Vice-President, Development, Environment and Earth Sciences

Among the reclamation projects submitted, the work done in consortium with a local firm at the abandoned Barvue mine in Barraute, Abitibi-Témiscamingue, was recognized at the 15th edition of the Grands Prix du génie-conseil québécois awards ceremony in the environment category.

“The S.M. Group International Inc.’s team of experts is renowned for its ability to integrate geotechnics, hydrology and hydraulics, geochemistry, hydrogeology and rock mechanics in its reclamation solutions. We are always looking for optimal solutions that take into consideration the various issues associated with this type of mandate.”


  • 32-ha tailings pond containing 1 200 000 m3 of mine tailings with high metal acidification and leaching potential;
  • Effusion following the rupture of a dike of 360 000 m3 of tailings over 3.5 km along a stream.

Reclamation solution

  • Recovery of waste tailings from the environment for their containment in the tailings pond;
  • Securing the dykes surrounding the tailings pond’s perimeter including diverting a section of the stream;
  • Renaturalization of a 2.5 km span of the Marcotte stream;
  • Installation of a confinement cell composed of multiplayer textured HDPE geomembrane over a 252 500 m2 area;
  • Revegetation of the site using fertilizing residual materials (FRM);
  • Installation of post-reclamation monitoring facilities.

In the case of the abandoned Barvue mine whose reclamation was managed by the ministère de l’Énergie et des Ressources naturelles, The S.M. Group International Inc. was involved in every phase of the characterization work ranging from the development of the reclamation plan, preparation of plans and specifications, including obtaining the required environmental approvals for the various phases of the project, as well as monitoring and quality control of the work done.

The involvement of The S.M. Group International Inc. has permitted to reduce the risks associated with the structures’ stability challenges as well as those generated by acidogenic residues. Our experts distinguished themselves with their synergy and their ability to apply the principles of sustainable development, which guided them in their search for an optimal solution to reduce the contamination of the environment at the lowest cost.

For The S.M. Group International Inc. it is very important to develop strategies that reduce the ecological footprint associated with mining operations and actively participate in large-scale abandoned mining sites reclamation projects.


For The S.M. Group International Inc. it is very important to develop strategies that reduce the ecological footprint.