Earth Sciences
Preparatory studies, environmental authorizations, plans, specifications and work supervision of the Barvue mining complex restauration, Abitibi, Canada
No matter the project scope or complexity of the problem, our teams of specialists in geotechnical engineering and the various earth science disciplines become go-to partners for optimizing installation costs and offering innovative solutions to ensure environmental restoration.
Our team constitutes a hub of experts with a broad range of experience dealing with various problems. Our team has demonstrated its ability to handle the logistics associated with site investigations in the varied regions of our country, as well as on the international scene.
These teams rely on a full range of equipment for surveying, investigating, test-drilling and boring, as well as laboratories which are able to perform a variety of specialized tests in order to obtain the best data to develop the optimal solution. Using specialized software, mapping and geomatic tools, our teams are able to monitor the behavior of structures.
The multidisciplinary nature of our experts makes it possible to design hydrotechnical structures, such as dikes, dams, tailings facilities and engineered landfill sites. This design expertise also includes the various solutions for restoring contaminated or derelict sites as well as implementing the most appropriate approaches for shore stabilization or erosion control.
Fields of expertise
- Geology, geomorphology and borrow pit research
- Geotechnical studies
- Foundation design
- Dam design
- Soil improvement techniques
- Environmental site assessments (Phase I, II and III)
- Contaminated or derelict site restoration
- Dam safety
- Roadways